At Gordion, we consider all tumor mutations found in Exome and in the Dark Genome. 98% of mutations are found in the Dark Genome, but these are typically ignored in drug program design.
A gene mutation, results in other genes becoming essential for tumor survival, a phenomena called Synthetic Lethality. Inhibition of a Synthetic Lethal gene will be toxic to cancer but not to normal cells.
Synthetic Lethality between gene A and B occurs when loss of both genes leads to cell death
Screening is used to identify Synthetic Lethal drug targets. However, experiments based on cell lines have unknown translatability into clinical efficacy.
As a result, many drugs that show promise in pre-clinical phase fail to succeed in clinical trials.
Gordion’s AI model was trained on thousands of cancer genomes, analyzing dozens of millions of mutations. Patterns of alterations reveal Synthetic Lethal genes which are relevant to real tumor biology.
Patient-derived Synthetic Lethality dependencies have a higher chance to deliver clinical trial success.
An Atlas of Synthetic Lethal genes for all tumor types.